@hazel_marie - she's probably very old school and wanted u guys married etc. She's wrong for judging u. Only God can judge us and plZ don't leave! ESP at night. Can u move in with your parents?
@mmmirage, I'm crying because she's been this way since we told her I was pregnant always saying bad things about me . I'm about to leave and never come back ! She will never see my baby again unless her father brings her
@hazel_marie - wth u can't just pick up and walk out with a child. She needs to control her mouth! Wth does she think of herself! PlZ don't cry!! Ur mans right about paying no attention to her! Take ur daughter in a diff room n lock the door
Me and him aren't together but we are still close and no I live with my current bf and he lives with his aunt , his mom told me to come over so she can spend time with her grand daughter but I just feel uncomfortable .
Do yall live with her or? ...because if you don't Id definitely leave (or if you have somewhere else to go) and like I said if she can't respect you she has no right to see your daughter ...though that's a shitty card to have to play its usually effective like it was with mine
@hayleymarie, exactly , she loved me until she found out I was pregnant ... And she said I'm a hoe when she heard me and my baby father having sex ! We get no privacy . And she acts like Ava is her daughter . I'm just crying because I'm hurt and I wish my baby father was here so he can comfort me and confront her
Girl sometimes people act in ways we will never understand... My MIL looooved me and thought I was just the greatest until she found out we're having a girl (she wanted a boy) and ever since then she's straight up treated me like shit and disrespected me, she even wend as far as starting to talk to my bf's ex who was pregnant with a boy and going around saying that baby was her grandson but that baby was conceived when she was cheating on him and they were NOT having sex (even the ex admitted it) ...you just can't let her get the best of you, she's not worth it 💕
@hayleymarie, I just don't understand her , I showed her nothing but respect . But yet she still tries to put me down and belittle me ! 1. She said I'm a hoe having sex with two men which is not true 2. I'm a bad mother putting a man before my baby not true 3. I will never finish school & I finished so I just don't understand smh I'm about to slap the shot out of her she is really pissing me off
Oh woooow I'm sorry girl ! My MIL tried to pull some shit like that with me and I straight up told her look I'm the mother of your grandchild & you really don't wanna mess with me because you will never meet her if you can't have the decency to even respect me...& so far that has worked.. Keep your head up love Ava doesn't need to see you crying 💕😘
@mmmirage, I'm crying my eyes out , and he isn't here . I just called he told me to take my daughter and leave and pay his mom no mind . She's calling me a bitch , hoe , etc like come on and infront of my child ? She really has it in for me smh