I delivered my baby on the 26th at 12:07p by c-section. I was sent to the hospital on Christmas Eve for them to keep me two more days. I had developed severe preclampsia.
I was discharged today from the hospital while my baby is still in the neonatal intensive care unit. It looks so confusing to me though because she's 7lb and 12oz due to my diabetes, yet she's still a preemie by 5 weeks. It's the most hollow feeling not having her here, not being able to breast feed, not being able to touch her.
They have no clue how long she'll be there because of chemical imbalances that they can't quite figure out.
Of anyone has the time and heart any positive thoughts and prayers would be greatly appreciated.
She will be fine and come home soon, yeah it's crazy because when babies are born before 37wks they are not full term so they still have to stay in the NICU cause their lil cute bodies can't really regulate their blood sugar and temperature and other things, as far as breastfeeding, PUMP, they will give her all of your milk which will her get her home to you quicker, I've had a preemie and this baby tried to come twice already, but she is a doll and I wish you well honey 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘