Teri G.
United States, Georgia, Riverdale


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So I'm TOTALLY defeated after today's checkup. Doc checked my cervix and it's good & closed, and high up too! 😩 I so wanted baby to come early in the 9th month. I'm just over being pregnant. Time for this kid to have his own space!
terieg @its.a.bird it's okay if you feel differently. Have a nice day!
terieg @boymamachronicles you're so right! And it's funny you say "we were made to do it". I had
terieg @the.real.og I wanted baby to be READY "non late". It's already been noted that didn't come across
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I'm tired of being tired, and I'm about to sleep in Depends so I can stop waking up every other hour. #3rdtrimesterblues
prettyflower1033 @terieg I wanted to use one of those lol
t.jen88 The struggle is real lol
kjcross Same here. I pretty much said that exact same thing to my husband a couple days ago
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With two kids in the prime of I-need-hands-on-parenting age, I'm getting really nervous about how we're gonna manage a newborn and still stay on top of these two. I'm so emotion filled right now!!
amysbabies Hey guys! Remember, every child and teen are different! Some do better with a tight leash, while
terieg @gorgeousmay42217 I'm just thinking of how much work we put into keeping them on point with school,
terieg @amysbabies thanks for that. They're already handing a bunch of adult responsibilities like cleaning, dishes, trash, etc.
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Need stroller advice... I like the tires and "lean" look of joggers, so I'm looking to buy the Baby Trend Expedition Jogger Travel System. Anybody have this combo, or know of a great jogger travel system for a reasonable price?
angelfoodcake I had it, baby trend - and it was great to me, the front wheel wiggled tho
terieg @angelfoodcake was it distracting to your run? The wiggly wheel?
angelfoodcake @terieg jogging didn't do it, and when I ran if I had a steady hold and pressed
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