So I'm TOTALLY defeated after today's checkup. Doc checked my cervix and it's good & closed, and high up too! 😩 I so wanted baby to come early in the 9th month. I'm just over being pregnant. Time for this kid to have his own space!
@boymamachronicles you're so right! And it's funny you say "we were made to do it". I had a couple of guys say that today in support... I was noticeably physically struggling today, & so many guys offered help when I was leaving work. They were all like if it was left up to guys, the human species would have died off long ago! 🤣😂😂🤣
don't be bummed, i dilated 1cm at 37w3d and then BAM 8cm at 37w5d ... it's really up to the baby. and baby needs that extra time. pregnancy is hard but we are made to do it!
So this went south real fast! I appreciate the medical related concerns but unfortunately you all confused venting for naivete and technical ignorance. I'm well aware that baby comes when baby is ready & well developed (God willing), and I wouldn't have it any other way. I was honestly just venting in the moment, which I thought was cool & wouldn't be taken this seriously but... Wow was I wrong! I assume that everyone was just trying to be helpful (cause I just prefer to go positive even when I know some people are just assholes), and I figure some tones came off snippy & judgmental 'cause it's hard to "hear" in writing, as is clear with the misinterpretations of my post, so I thank everyone for their comments... Sincerely.
@sparklingjewels I'm actually 36+1 weeks... The app updates in a weird way. But the main point is that I just mentally need a "the end is near" sign. Wishes are just vents... they do nothing in reality so in wouldn't go so far to say I being "extremely selfish". I'm not running to Pitocin. I think you read a little but too much into the post the wrong way.
- I had my son at 35 weeks.. I wish I could have carried him longer. It was scary having him, it was scary staying in the hospital, it was scary rushing him back when his throat closed, it was even scarier the second time. I don’t wish it on anyone. I hope you’re just venting. Because It’s not about you. 🤰🏻
baby will come when baby is ready. i had my second baby at 39+1 and she was rushed to the nicu she was in there for 2 weeks. your baby will be here before you know. praying for a beautiful healthy baby with and easy delivery and fast recovery.
I know it’s hard being pregnant, but your baby really needs those last weeks for developmental purposes. I was induced at 37wks and 6days due to my little one being IUGR (intrauterine growth restricted) and she was born perfectly healthy at 38wks gestation. Having a baby early is scary, I was one of the lucky ones that my baby didn’t have to make a trip to the NICU. I pray that your little one stays in as long as they are supposed to. Just breathe, Mama you will make it.
11.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
Selfish!! I had my son at 39 weeks that’s full term and he still had issues. Don’t think about yourself think about your child. Pregnancy sucks we all get it.
You are ONLY 35 weeks!!! Any signs of labor coming soon would be very very very bad! Being pregnant gets hard and uncomfortable for EVERYONE but wishing that your baby comes early is just extremely selfish. Your baby NEEDS the FULL!!! time to develop properly so he/she can be as healthy as possible!