With two kids in the prime of I-need-hands-on-parenting age, I'm getting really nervous about how we're gonna manage a newborn and still stay on top of these two. I'm so emotion filled right now!!
@amysbabies thanks for that. They're already handing a bunch of adult responsibilities like cleaning, dishes, trash, etc. so they're fine on that end. It's just the managing part I'm concerned with. Making time to stay on top of things like social media usage, making sure their on top of their school & extra curricular activities, etc. I'm a "no excuses" type person, so is the hubby, so we make sure to beat that drum in every little talk we have with the kids. I don't want to slack up when my attention has to go to baby first.
@gorgeousmay42217 I'm just thinking of how much work we put into keeping them on point with school, activities, and just raising them to be well-rounded little people. We always make time for "talks" and family meetings & a newborn works on their own schedule, not caring about who has what to do...
Hey guys! Remember, every child and teen are different! Some do better with a tight leash, while others with near absolute freedom, most lie somewhere in between the two.
@terieg, I don’t have teens, but have a toddler and know I will be baby wearing practically ALL the time. I would invest in a good carrier if I was you. I purchased the Lillebaby because I used my last (cheap) carrier all the time and that was when I had only 1. I would see if you can include the older kids with caring for the baby, or at least give them more grown up roles in the house, like maybe every Saturday night they cook dinner and clean upTOGETHER, just that would help out. If they aren’t already responsible for their own laundry, teach them now. I wouldn’t do a complete 360, but at those ages a bit more responsibility can bring pride and help them develop into a more mature adolescent.
I understand 10yr olds can be a handful and 15 just teenage things but I don't see how that would have an effect on the newborn? What do you mean by they need "hands-on" with them?