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Any other exclusive pumpers out there? 😬
benny2514 Guess not 😂
missmysleep No sorry but I think you're amazing if you're exclusively pumping, that's hard work! x
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So today my partner tells me he bought a ring recently, an engagement ring... and it made him realise he doesn’t want to get married, and he doesn’t think he wants to be with me at all. So I’ve been broken up with, how’s everyone else’s Saturday going?
benny2514 He said he doesn’t think he ever loved me, he thinks he was just going through the
benny2514 @mrsmowmow, I don’t earn enough money, the bank would lend him more on his own than both
benny2514 Well it looks like I can’t afford legal advice and I’m going to have to find somewhere
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Does anyone know anything about maternity allowance? I’m struggling to figure out how much I’ll get and it’s stressing me out because I like to plan and be prepared and I feel really anxious that I’m not going to be able to afford to have the amount of time off I want ☹️
benny2514 @toni_mcentee, I did, they don’t know either 😂 I don’t earn enough to get SMP so it’s
toni_m @benny2514, it might be worth speaking to your employer and asking them 🙂 x
benny2514 @nataja, that’s the thing that confuses me, because my average weekly earnings are never the same :/
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