Help, my left boob seems to be drying up 😱 first thing I normally pump 4.5-6.5oz off each side, this morning I got 6 off the right side and 4.5 off the left and it’s been consistently down on the left side all day today and yesterday...
@benny2514, Well I don’t think you need to worry :) supply regulates and you will only produce a certain amount :) increase times you pump and then supply will increase :) it would be the same if he was feeding. From you... he’d feed more often to increase supply :) xx
@beebeejgill, yeah it just takes so long to pump though I’m really struggling to fit extra sessions in, I’ve been having supply issues for a couple weeks on and off he seems to be eating a lot more all of a sudden :/ growth spurt maybe but I’m having to give him formula before bed now because he’s still hungry after drinking everything I’ve pumped xx
Try to drink glass of hot water 10 min before expressing, and i drink plenty of black tea+milk... I’m not a big pro but i struggle woth my BFeeding so i had used some tricks to help it out