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Induction advice?

Hi all,
babybump_user I was induced at 37 weeks last year with my daughter because of high BP. Other than
babybump_user I was induced due to preeclampsia with my daughter. It's not as bad as some make it
baybreeze760 Advanced maternal age at 36... good grief! ? Thanks ladies for all of the input! I'm feeling
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Vvvvvfl but I sooo hope this is my rainbow!! Edd first week of July!!
baybreeze760 Thanks!! Think I'm July 2nd or 3rd. I'm still in a bit of shock lol!!!
babybump_user Congrats!!! ?
babybump_user I hope so too! I also am pregnant with my rainbow baby. I'm praying this one makes
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Multiple days of +OPKs

Has anyone had multiple days of positive opks? I'm on day #4 of flaming positive. No doubt they're positive - most times the control line has been darker than the test line.
baybreeze760 Don't think it's possible but I will certainly give it a shot! If my temp doesn't spike
babybump_user Sorry wish I could be of more help ? hope you figure it out!
baybreeze760 It's okay! Thanks for trying anyway!! Today makes day #6 of positive opks but I think I
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Just waiting for that temp rise! First time having two days of +opks too!
babybump_user Should be really soon! Keep up the bding ?
baybreeze760 We are keeping on ... Any thoughts to the 2 days of +opks? I think the first
babybump_user Looks good so far! Excited to see your cycle progress!
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Rainbow in the sky after walking my 2 mutts last night. Here's to hoping for us all! ?
baybreeze760 I'm getting nervous since I'm working against that Saturday PM cutoff! It's practically here and I haven't
baybreeze760 just invited y'all to a private group. thought it would be easier to share pictures with each
babybump_user Ok I sent a request! What cd are you on?
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Opk help! This is considered a negative opk, right?
babybump_user Chenrick- yay!!! You got this!
baybreeze760 Y'all wanna switch to the rainbow post I just made? better than staring at my old pee
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