Canada, Toronto
23 years old Married in September 2017 Had my son at 17 October 2012 Baby #2 is due September 12th


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I literally hate hearing when mothers complain about watching there kids .. yes fathers should help but if they are working or tired let them sleep. No mother should complain about watching their own kids
maddoxsmama Personally I don’t make plans very often. When I do it’s because I need a break for
beakymcspence We both work, and opposite shifts. I’m a nurse and work nights, and he works day shift
iamwhoiam124 @klazaro I also agree with you and have never seen a post of a mom complaining she
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Husband went away for work he’s gone for 8 weeks but will be back every weekend, my son is having a super hard time with it and because I’m emotional he makes me cry to lord help me for these 8 weeks ❤️
sabrinab95 @zombrithemombie, I wish I could have gone but with my son in school and doctor appointments it’s
hannakimberly Awww hang in there 💙
zombrithemombie @sabrinab95 yeah that's true. My son doesn't handle him being gone for long periods of time well.
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Sometimes my stomach is rock hard and sometimes is soft and mushy, anyone else ?
bw4b @sabrinab95, nope. Braxton Hicks don’t hurt at all. Some women feel uncomfortable with them but most women.
sabrinab95 @bw4b, this is my second and I don’t remember much with my first especially this
bw4b @sabrinab95, google them :) but if your concerned at all just mention them to your dr :)
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Question, so my son is starting baseball and each week a child’s parents is picked to bring team snacks and juice. I have no idea on what kind of snacks to bring. Any ideas??
zombrithemombie When I was in sports as a kid, we always had sliced oranges to snack on during
vintagepony Oranges were what we use to get, water melon. Dairy is to heavy I think to eat
mimixtmn Def not something heavy, I would stay away from dairy as lots of kids have allergies or
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