Has anyone dealt with bullying towards their child? My son is in SK and he takes the bus to school everyday. He was at this one bus stop and all the older kids and some kids his age would push him to get on top the bus before him. So I moved his stop last month and now that he’s the second stop the kids that pushed him won’t let him sit in his seat and tell him to get away. I’ve talked to the school many many times and they say they talk to the students but I don’t think they really care. Seeing my sons face sad breaks my heart because me and my husband teach him to be kind to others. (I’m balling my eyes out even writing this) Is there any advise you ladies can give ? Please ☹️😭

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Do you live in Saskatchewan? Is that what SK means? I'm a teacher and dealing with bullying is so hard... First of all, have you talked to the bus driver? They can change the seating arrangement of the bus so the bully sits at the front and the bus driver can monitor him/her better. Another option to discuss with the principal: maybe the bully should not be allowed on the bus if he/she can't behave herself? If the parents have to drive their kid to school, they might get annoyed enough to deal with the bullying themselves and it will stop.
17.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
Contact the school bus board and report the child/children
16.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
@mimixtmn, it’s so true that’s what brothers are for ! Haha I might have to get on the bus my husband says I look like I’m in grade 8 anyway might as well use it lol
16.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
@sabrinab95, it’s so true lol I’m lucky I had my boy first cause I seriously would flip on these little kids.. I had to handle a gr8 that was teasing my daughter one day he now knows not to fuck with my kids and smiles and waves when he sees me lol.. my daughter said she didn’t want her brother to get in trouble and I told her it’s ok if he gets in trouble for protecting his sister because that’s what brothers are for! I hope your husband gets some results or you’ll need to sneak on the bus one day and let them know your crazy 😝
16.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
@mimixtmn, I’m getting my husband to now talk to the principal. Maybe they will listen knowing both parents opened there mouths. ( but I totally get that feeling about kicking a 6 year old haha) I told my husband there lucky I’m not his older sister because I would have been kicked out of school lol .
16.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
@sabrinab95, girl I would have had to kick a 6 year old boys ass if it wasn’t for my son. I don’t get some parents if my son ever touched a girl he would get his ass whooped my son knows better no matter what your hands don’t ever go on a girl, he’s known that since he was 3. I am a young mom too I got pregnant with my son at 17 so i totally know what you mean make sure you stay firm and make sure something is done about it and that they don’t think they can let your issues slide.
16.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
@beakymcspence, seriously... that was a bunch of bull that “if you bug a girl they like you” schools need to smarten up
16.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
@sabrinab95, We were told by the teacher that the boys parents didn’t believe he did it, and that they thought he just “liked” her.
16.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
Thank you ladies for sharing your stories it helps me knowing I’m not alone
16.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
@beakymcspence, wow ! I don’t understand how some people don’t teach their sons early to respect girls ! My son stood up for a little girl he didn’t know at his old school he got in trouble for it but when I got to the school I laid into the school and then the little girls parents came up thanking me and the mother was crying.
16.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
My daughter was actually getting bullied by a boy in my older sons class, and one day at recess this boy went running up to her and body checked her off the digger in the sand box. I called my sons teacher and hers..they dealt with it rather quickly. It was hard though to see her so upset.
16.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
@mimixtmn, omg ! For it to get physical and the school not doing anything is a joke! I probably would have smacked the parent and asked how they liked it! I’m so happy to hear her brothers stood up for her. I’m so annoyed with his school I’m going to email the principal first then go to the board. I also hate that I get looks or judged because I’m a young mother and I had my son at 17. The parents all made comment especially last year when the school my son went to was my elementary school from when I was in JK and one teacher said “ask her she’s been a student here from JK” since then I would get looks and stared at and I can tell there talking about me. Bullying needs to Stop! No matter how old we are wether it’s at work or school
16.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
My 6 year old has had many issues of being bullied by boys in her class, she has very high self esteem and is normally a very outgoing happy kid and it was really affecting her, I spoke to the school, they dealt with it but it kept happening, my daughter came home with busted lip from a boy slapping her, same thing happened to her friend it was getting out of control. I spoke to one of the boys parents who told me their clearly wasn’t a problem if their kid was getting a “5 star” in his agenda so I told him I really didn’t want to get my son involved (all the boys in my daughters class are scared of him and he is very protective) but if they weren’t going to talk to their child and it continued her brother was going to get involved and I was not going to stop it. My son dealt with it and she’s had any problems since 🤷🏽‍♀️. The stories my kids come home with I really wonder whose watching these kids.
16.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
@kerstie14, omg that’s so sad for a parent! My god people are nasty! My brother when he was smaller had trouble speaking and parents were talking about how my friend is the “not normal one” I was so disgusted to hear it from a parent and then when I had to tell my mom when I heard was so much harder. I was bullied for being “fat” I was chubby but kids are so nasty and the school back then did nothing and when my son went there last year it got worse. This school with the bus problem is his new school I don’t like moving him to different schools but if it doesn’t stop I’m going to have to
16.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
@sabrinab95, absolutely! She was a witch. She went as far as posting stuff on Facebook about me and my child. It was sickening. I blasted that school all over town as well bc they didn’t handle it at all. Basically told her to be nice and that was it...this went on for a good half of the year.
16.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
@sabrinab95, yea it’s a real shame. Hopefully it changes next year at least. If not I would move ☹️
16.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
@kerstie14, that’s so disgusting when parents feed into it! But if it was her child getting bullied I’m sure she would be at the school trying to stop the bullying
16.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
Yes! My daughter was bullied so bad last year. We actually ended up moving schools because I was in that school 20 tines talking about the situation and even has a meeting with the teach, mom of the child who was being a bully and the principal. Nothing ever changed. The mom was a bully as wonder the daughter was awful.
16.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
@alecandfrankiesmum, so sad to have to remove kids from a school instead of fixing the problem. I don’t understand why they even have a stop bullying week when kids do it. I’m just so annoyed because the education part of the school is amazing but seeing my son so upset is killing me
16.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
@sabrinab95, oh yea that’s really frustrating. Some schools are really bad. My friends are switching schools next year because of it, and we’ve seen many kids leave because our school doesn’t deal with anything
16.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
@alecandfrankiesmum, I don’t understand why these schools lie for. But I was going to speak with the parents but the grandparents drop off the kids and they don’t speak English.
16.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
My friends had a problem with kids calling their daughter fat, and pushing her around. The teachers said they where dealing with it, but nothing ever stoped until they took it to the school board. Personally I would also find the kids parents myself, and have a talk with them to make sure they are aware of what’s going on
16.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
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