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Как отучить 17-месячную дочь от грудного вскармливания?
Hey lovelies i really need some advice on something. Ive got to a point where i really dont know what to do. Its to do with Breastfeeding. Violet is 17 months old and ive wanted to stop breastfeeding when she turned 1 but it just never happened. She only feeds on me for a nap in the afternoon but nighttime is more my issue. When she was younger and i was constantly getting up to feed her, i became so tired, so one time i just brought her into bed and fed her while i could lie down. I have completely regretted it ever since as it became into violet sleeping in the bed with me ever since. She refuses to sleep in her cot. She will only go to sleep if she is with me. Plus shes 17 months and she still wants to feed at night time. But i think its more of a comfort thing. So throughout the night she wakes up for boob and then goes back to sleep. But its like all through the night. Im exhausted. It cant continue, i just dont know where to start to stop this and get violet sleeping in her own bed and not wanting boob.
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beebeejgill Maya was like this. Had to go cold turkey was the only way
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Has anyone on here had covid??? How long did your symptoms last for? When did you start to feel abit better?? Im on day 6 and still feel awful. The hubby and all the kids have it too 🙁
aleksandravolkova1693 I had when I was 28 weeks pregnant, was very mild but my sense of smell still
sara-lou86 I had it back in January. Initially felt fine but as it went on it felt a
beebeejgill Maya tested positive on Wednesday, she had a cough Wednesday to Friday and that was it I'm
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Just over a month to go 🖤
tammyxx Your bump is such a biggen but love it!! Hope your back isn't in to much pain
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Hey lovelies random question but i got a letter today asking me to book my covid vaccination jab as im a carer for ava but im pregnant. Can i get it done?? It says on the letter to ask my gp but just wanted to see if anyone has got the vaccine done on here xx
karla22 No it's not recommended yet. Congrats on the pregnancy! xx
heathers407 I wouldn't take the risk. Our immune systems are none existent to protect baby. If we get
kelsey234 Yeah I wouldn't take it personally. They are offering it to some pregnant women with special circumstances
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Who is so over homeschooling now 🙋‍♀️
mrsbodell I’m enjoying it with Lola, not so much with Ellis. I’ve had great support from Lolas teachers
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