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Colic! HELP!!
macymarie like that! good luck mama
starting_over39 Gas drops may help somewhat I know it helped my little one and formula change. Alimentum is
alecandfrankiesmum My little guy was colicky around one month. If you're breastfeeding call a breastfeeding clinic. They really
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Mama's that formula feed.. How often did you feed your 1 month old? every hour? ... thought it was a growth spurt but it's constantly been that way.
I cant get my Babe too sleep which means over tired-ness. Which isnt fun..
melyssaann I think I may try switching formulas as well as increasing the amount. Keep you posted. Thank
cassielvosloo We had the same problem with out boys 4oz every 1hr to 2hrs and then reflux because
melyssaann Thank you! that sounds like my issue.. I will call the doctor tomorrow. I really appreciate it.
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Best diaper change cream ever ❤❤❤
melyssaann Awesome! I was looking for a natural powder. I hadnt found one yet..
tlistboom Tawna Hill is amazing! If you order online, they always send a mini gift too.
melyssaann Perfect! I will order it this evening. Thank you!
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What is the best formula? My poor little babe is so fussy and has the worst gas..
mommy1991 Also make sure your LO is burping properly at feeding time.
kaybun My son loved Similac! But it took us 3-4 different kinds of formulas before we found one
melyssaann Thank you! I finally found a Similac kind that is working. Was using Nestlé, then Enfamil.. both
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How to Find an Apartment While 8 Months Pregnant?
Finding an apartment 8 months pregnant is scary and exciting all at the same time.. (its difficult not being able to get things organised and "set up") Fingers crossed the right thing comes along before our beautiful baby boy does. 💙💙💙
novembercutiepie Hoping you find what you are looking for soon! I am in the middle of moving and
kimmysch1990 I feel you.. Even tho I'm only 27 weeks.. Finding a big enough place in a short
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Being due at Christmas sucks. You would not believe how much holiday time these doctors take. They may deliver babies everyday but this is my first and feeling like a priority or like I am even somewhat important would be nice..
melyssaann Thank you. Fingers crossed for a similar experience. ❤❤❤ the doctor that was supposed to deliver my son didnt even met me. but i was surrounded
melyssaann I am so glad to hear it! I hope the same happens for me. Its a scary
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Can braxton hicks contractions give you a fever and chills, diarrhea and vomiting?
melyssaann Definitely not the flu.. I woke up last night with contractions so bad I could barely get
tlistboom well .. Braxton Hicks doesn't hurt like that. If you don't think it is the flu, it
melyssaann Calling Telehealth is a great idea. Thank you. ☺
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