well .. Braxton Hicks doesn't hurt like that. If you don't think it is the flu, it could be the beginning stage of labour or something def more serious. At this point, I would never just wait as that isn't normal. Fever is always a sign of something not right.. it means infection of some sort. It's your body's way of trying to get rid of something bad. At least call telehealth .. that's the least you can do for your baby.
Definitely not the flu.. I woke up last night with contractions so bad I could barely get myself to the bathroom. Then almost passed out from the pain. Ended up sick instead and finally after about an hour was able to go back to bed. I fell back to sleep awhile longer and woke up today feeling better. I dont feel sick and never felt nauseous. Was just sick from the pain? .. not really sure. I dont see my doctor till Monday, so thought I would ask on here if anyone knows of anything. When I googled it, everywhere said that isnt normal, but I dont want to rush off to the hospital. Everything else seems to be ok. I read something about the latent stage of labour. Which could last weeks or days? Was thinking maybe its that? ... I am only 32 weeks though, but have had an extreme amount of stress while being pregnant.
Thank you. ☺