United States, Tennessee, Kingsport
Mommy of 2 💕 Nevaeh Catherine ❤ 12-12-16 💕😍 Baby #2 coming November 2018❤


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Ive had a headache for 3 days now and I dont know what to do. I dont want to take Tylenol because my daughtwr doesnt move like she is suppose to anyway (she is fine) and i dont wanna take something that'll make her move less and freak me out even more.
ncpmomma @dinamarie1995 they monitor my blood pressure super close because i had super bad preeclampsia with my oldest
laniejay Has your doctor specified you cannot take Tylenol? Why not call and ask what is safe so
kbbaybee16 Are you hydrated? I was told to drink a minimum of 96 ounces when pregnant
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How can I make myself stop feeling guilty for having another baby? I am happy to be having another baby, another daughter, but I keep crying because I feel bad for my oldest. She has had my undivided attention for the past 2 years and i just feel bad now.
alyboo102293 I definitely can relate I feel terrible sometimes because my oldest is obviously not a baby anymore
thebthatdontcare I know exactly how you feel I had it my whole pregnancy I felt guilty and cried
mamasgirls Don't worry hunny, my oldest was 11 when her sister was born and I still feel that
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I feel awful. I am laying down watching tv and keep getting dizzy and feel like I am going to throw up.
rainbow417 🙁 keep an eye on how your feeling and maybe check your blood pressure if needed
ncpmomma @rainbow417 ive been feeling like this for days now. I went to get checked 2 days ago
rainbow417 @ncpmomma maybe it's a sign that labor will be coming soon 😉 Hope you feel better soon.
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I'm getting induced Monday the 29th. I have to be at the hospital at 5:30 that morning. I am already 4cm dilated. How can I get her to come out before having to actually be induced?
blessed2018w9 Sex..walking...squats...exercise ball
ncpmomma @blessed2018w9 I'll have some sex later and maybe play just damce when my momma gets off work
mamachey Try brisk Walking for like An hour or two even if you go to the mall and
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Super tmi, but it is staying wet down there and all ive done today is lay on the couch, ive pooped 5+ times today and my arm pits are staying sweaty. Also white clot came out of me earlier too, it was maybe the size of a nickel, no blood or anything tho. Ive not felt very well at all today either.
tipsymermaid Can you get a ride with someone else or call an Uber or something? I’d go get
ncpmomma @tipsymermaid I unfortunately have no friends to take me and no money for an uber. If it
mswedes @ncpmomma, I agree with @tipsymermaid. Not getting checked soon enough can risk infection. I had to take
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