How can I make myself stop feeling guilty for having another baby? I am happy to be having another baby, another daughter, but I keep crying because I feel bad for my oldest. She has had my undivided attention for the past 2 years and i just feel bad now.

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Don't worry hunny, my oldest was 11 when her sister was born and I still feel that way. Its a natural feeling and it shows how good of a mom you are and that you love your kids. Best believe your oldest will love up on the baby!!!
27.10.2018 Нравится Ответить
I know exactly how you feel I had it my whole pregnancy I felt guilty and cried every day but once he was born it went away but once they were together i stopped feeling guilty altogether kaysen was of course jealous of baby but make sure you give them both lots of attention and let big sister help with her baby sister it really does help a lot even till this day kaysen has to help hold Koopers bottle help feed him throw his diapers away get him toys there bond is great and there best friends now
27.10.2018 Нравится Ответить
I definitely can relate I feel terrible sometimes because my oldest is obviously not a baby anymore & my youngest now 3 gets most the attention from almost everyone because she’s a handful.
27.10.2018 Нравится Ответить
@itty_bitty after I have her sister she is going to stay with her dad for about a week and I am afraid she is going to think I am pushing her away because of the new baby. I'm having her sister this coming up Monday and I am literally a ball of emotion and cant handle it. I dont even have my oldest right now becayse it is her dads weekend. I was suppose to get her back today, but he completely forgot I wanted her today and tomorrow and that id bring her back to him Sunday night since i had to be at the hospital at 5:30am monday
27.10.2018 Нравится Ответить
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