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Soooooo I've developed sciatica.. Great!! 😑👌
jjerome04 I hate it @jayson21_41
mama_lex2.0 What is that
jayson21_41 Yeah, it sucks.. It's pain going down your leg from your lower back..
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I feel bad for all the moms having such a hard time getting prego. Every time I blink I'm pregnant 😐😳

I love my kids and they are all a blessing but it's a lot I'm 25 about to have my 4th
baby26 I'm 26 and pregnant with my 4th one
jmo14 stop blinking! JK it's a blessing to have a big family...i grew up an only child kinda
lcjc_mama4 im 24 and this is my 4th... i had my oldest 3 a year apart. by 19
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Due July 24th.. Any other July mamas??
asianae16 July 11th think I'm gonna have her sooner than that's though.
itsjasmine @twinmommy123, Ayyy 😉
twinmommy123 @bishop0301, 😂😂 hey giirrrllll! I might have my baby early! go read my past couple posts!
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Is It Wrong to Exclude Sperm Donor from Delivery Room?
I just want to get some of you mommy's opinion. Do you think it is wrong for me to not allow my sperm donor to be in the delivery room?? He has not bought anything Since I found out I was pregnant. I bought her everything. Once in a blue moon if that he will say how is the baby. He wants a DNA test because he was jealous and insecure our whole relationship and thinks I cheated, which I didn't but trust me I wish I would have. but I am not like that. He thinks that he has rights to everything and that he will get 50-50 custody when she is born. I also am giving her my last name because I don't feel like he deserves that right when he hasn't done nothing. Am I wrong?
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ainsleighsmumma I would choose not to have him in there, also don't put his name on the birth
reaganmommy2015 Nope your not wrong if he wants to be a part of her life he needs to
jjerome04 Thank you guys
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