United States, Idaho, McCall
19 years Young. Have the man of my Dreams. 😘💕 Pregnant with first baby. New Mama💜 Baby in progress. ✔️ December 11th, 2016


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I know I'm only 2 months into my pregnancy but I'm just trying to get myself some ideas.
What is the best kind of diapers to use??
And has anyone used the pregnancy pillows ??
missing268user with diapers it'll really depend on your baby but I suggest getting every brand to try and
mrscruz0530 Ya what she said 👆🏽👆🏽👆🏽I love Huggies but hate pampers so it depends on what good for
10yearslater0205 ☝🏼️ what they said ... Both my babies were allergic to luvs and pampers and I suggest
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When did everyone actually start feeling pregnant?
bellainmybelly Seven weeks with nausea and stuff haha but with belly probably middle or end of second trimester
shaniasmith Ohhhhh! I'm getting so impatient 😖😖
pink805 6 months lol just because my babies movement reminded me I was pregnant no symptoms what so
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I'm only 6 weeks along.
Miscarriage in general scares me, but I've heard and read that caffeine isn't good too have.
So I'm scared to drink any but yet I'm just craving a small glass of pop...
shaniasmith Thank you guys. @graysonsmama @mamaash sorry to bug. First time mommy and just trying to be careful.
shaniasmith Thank you! @maybaby2016
maybaby2016 you're welcome, the daily recommendation differs depending on which doctor you ask but mine says 200 to
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