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Manchester 🇬🇧


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Does anyone use the every 3 months injection for contraception ? How did it go for u ?
ellieseandgirls I've never gained weight but everyone has different experience on it, you could always see how it
liyah717 @illiesedanniel, I guess I could do that xxx
natzie86 I never gained weight @liyah717
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Sorry for TMI. I've been bleeding since I gave birth which is 4 weeks ago today, so weird with my first I was only bleeding for 2 weeks straight then it stopped and normal period started but now I've been bleeding none stop since I gave birth 😕🤔 anyone else experienced this ?
07.06.2016 yeah it's disgusting. and I think having to wear pads makes it worse and makes you feel
liyah717 @tuftyturtle, i Totally agree and I don't know if it's just me but wearing pads make me
theasmummy I bleed for about 6 weeks with each of mine. It stopped after 7 days then started
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When can I start using baby wipes on baby instead of cotton wall and water ?
zaralee71 haha it's ok. I would recommend sensitive ones though x
beccastirlingx @liyah717, oh.. I used baby wipes from the beginning? Always sensitive tho x
taminah87 I used wipes on newborn. Cotton wool for just face
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Has anyone else's baby had milk spots this bad before ? Any advice 😫 poor baby 😣
kendricksmommy Yeah dont worry too much it will go soon. Do what @ljay said! It really works..use breast
theasmummy My wee one had similar. It was baby acne due to my hormones. Went away with time.
liyah717 @cayleighnatasha, @ljay @mrsxbx @homely.mummy.no2 @kendricksmommy @theasmummy thank you all ❤️ I'll try put some breast milk on
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Hey ladies where do you buy sheets for the chicco next to me beds ?
sophgreenx I just use a normal crib sheet x
emmaclark yeh I just got normal crib sheets from mothercare, just got someone to help me find the
capr1ce John Lewis (crib fitted shits) And DK Glovesheets crib fitted sheets ( - perfect fit and soft)
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Hey ladies when can you start doing small exercises and what's best way to lose baby weight any recommendations ? X
taminah87 Tag me in any recommendations too
kendricksmommy Defo wait till your 6 week check up and take it easy to beggin with. I was
liyah717 @kendricksmommy, @winterbaby95 thank you for the advice I'll wait till my 6 weeks check up then 💝
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