United States, New York, Ozone Park


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Feeling like a horrible mother for not wanting to breast feed? :(
hlanc4 @nichole87, don't your going to feed him and care for him so that's 100% a great mother
ourmiracle2016 don't even feel bad honey, it's your decision and honestly no one else's (:
nichole87 thanks @hlanc4 and@ourmiracle2016 :)
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3 inductions plus pitocin on and off they finally did a c section and I'm in excruciating pain. If you've had a c section, how long did it take you to be able to move around easily?
amberlynn95 2nd day in the hospital after csection
autumnsmommy the next morning, painful but could walk around pretty easily
nichole87 I'm being sent home tomorrow. they just got me out of bed this morning and I've been
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13 hours into induction and nothing. I really hope this baby comes tonight
rainbowbaby2015 how many cm are you dilated?
rjbiskupiak I was induced with my daughter and it took 32 hours for her to make her debut.
nichole87 aw, thanks for sharing! I'm on my 3rd induction. in active labor now. so far about 24
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post image
anyone looking to buy a crib? it's brand new in the box, came slightly damaged and I no longer need it. price neg, regularly $250 in the store. pm me if interested Check out what I'm selling on letgo! ссылка
pick up only
nichole87 @laurawendel, I'm located in ozone park queens
loriadkins I'm all the way in oregon.. haha willing to do shipping? and pictures of damage?
nichole87 sorry for the delayed response, I've been in the hospital since Tuesday. I'm sorry, I'm trying to
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May be induced this week and hubby is sick! help! :(
nichole87 @amanda_marcozzi, I have mild pre-eclampsia but it has gotten worse over the course of a week. It's
amanda_marcozzi oh wow. well the doctor will do what's best for you and the baby. try to relax.
nichole87 thanks, I know. I just hope he's not sick so he can be with baby. it's our
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