United States, New Jersey, Hackettstown


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Just found out I am under producing, has anyone had this issue and if so how can I increase my milk production?
ivonne5150 him or her sorry
lkmama There are many galactagogues (substance that increases milk) including fenugreek, mother's milk tea, moringa, and goat's rue.
mrsthig Oh try drinking 1 large Gatorade before, after, during a nursing session or 1 throughout the day.
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As much as I love my son, I am super jealous that my husband can sleep through the night where I need to get up and feed the baby.. I miss sleeping through the night 😟
mommybug i can't even complain because i chose to breastfeed exclusively. 😕
emgem56 @mommybug, I know I shouldn't since I chose to breastfeed too.. I just miss sleeping. Once I
mommybug i was pumping in the beginning but it was so time consuming.. maybe I'll pump again later..
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41.6 being induced tonight, can't wait to see my baby boy 💙
brooklynnsmutha Good luck!
bugmama Congratulations! Best of luck. I will be praying for a quick easy delivery for you.
emgem56 Thank you! 😊
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My midwife wants me to drink Castro oil tomorrow, did this help anyone with labor?
emgem56 Hmm I wonder why she would suggest it.. Thanks ladies! I'll just wait to be induced!
withlovechris Tell her you'll take some after she does 😂
del_1512250114_arivera64 Many midwives and older doctors are still old school that's why. Even in my doula training binder
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This heat is killing me 😣
mygiftof2016 right ughh ima be 39 weeks Monday I feel bad for some these ladies!
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When you are two days past your due date and your doctor tells you that you are not dilated at all 😞 I really hope I do not need to be induced.. I really wanted to do everything all natural. Baby boy please come soon!
emgem56 @karkster420, is primrose oil a pill or an actual oil? I will have to look into getting
countrypeaches420 They sell it in pill form at walmart. you can put a few pills in your lady
emgem56 Awesome! I am going to look into it :) thank you!
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How well does sex help induce labor? I am due Sunday but have a feeling my son is not thinking the same..
emgem56 @C ubanese, does it actually help?
keepingupwithestella It worked for me! I went into labor the next day. I was purposely trying to induce
lkmama My midwife just gave me a packet on how to get the cervix ready... it says "Have
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