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So I've been breatfeeding my daughter for a week and my nipples are still scabbing and really sore. New mommy and it's my first. Any advice?
vlada_fox Or this one
rachel8792 I used the lansinoh lanolin, it helps with the chapping, and cracked nipples. If you are sore
daniellecaprara11 Also try another position the football hold is the best for a better latch they don't suck
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So I'm a few days till I go in to get the a version done with my daughter and if it doesn't work I'm wanting my mom to go into the c-section with me not her father. Does that make me mean?
us420 No, you're the Mother. The person going through all this pain & labor, it's your choice to
5thgradeteacher My moms coming in with's your choice. That's who I feel most comfortable with!
brebre106 My baby's father is throwing the biggest fit and is not okay with the fact he would
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What do mommies think about the brand Honest Company? I keep seeing it all over the place and wonder if it's as good as it seems.
brebre106 @michelle2220, yeah when you put it that way your right but they also have other products like
michelle2220 ehh stuff that doesn't last. unless your child has really dry skin or something that they need
autumnrae the stuff I use organic for I have found babyganics is much better! but only use It
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