Okay mommies it's been awhile since Ice posted but I need to vent and get this out. My sister in law and me have recently had a falling out. I'm not exactly the biggest fan of most of his family and he agrees with me when it comes to keep her away from the ones we both don't like. But after not speaking to his sister for a few months now and having unblocked her on Facebook she decided to write me and try to figure our what's going on. But the conversation started to go south when I congratulated her on her recent pregnant and to say that I hope her relationship with her recent baby daddy gets better due to the fact he had just cheated on her with their roommate and tried to due the same with her best friend. She immediately became defensive and told me to not mention anything about it again even though all I said was I hope things get better. But according to my fiance I was not supposed to even know what happened. Oh and my fiance has done the dumbest thing you can in the past and recently and has gone to tell his sister everything that has happened between us and our rocky past during fights we had or having and has come to make her hate me. So of course she was not happy to hear that I didn't want her meeting our daughter(thanks again to my lovely fiance for telling her) so after I had explained that she had put herself it our relationship business one to many times and that I wasn't exactly thrilled to meet her( oh yes have never met her in person just talked via phone or facebook) and I had just started to feel normal again after months of my hormones giving me the worst like roid rage ever. So after explain to her why my behavior hasn't been totally in my control she again( having done this multiple times before) tell me how horrible I am to her brother (my fiance/ baby daddy) and that he should have listened to her and left me by now and that my daughter looks nothing like her father(cause looks define a kids paternity) and that he should be have some tests done. Now this happened a few days ago and I've already gotten into it with my fiance over the matter and him already being stuck in between a rock and a hard place because he is close to his sister and has started a family with me and we are at each other's throats.To say the least he has had a tough time defusing the situation. But lucky for me he is respecting my wish to never let her meet our daughter do to what was said. But he also made things worse by one saying all the things he did over time and recently so this is partly on him as well. He is also stating that what she said was only focused on me and not aimed at our daughter. I'm I going crazy for thinking otherwise and believing that it was also an insult to our daughter. Please give me your opinion.

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I think both of you were wrong. No need to bring up anything negative. Too much drama. Maybe everyone needs some space.
14.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
I think he was wrong for tellher y'all business. Bc you never tell family stuff like that Bc they don't forgive or if they do bring it up when they want. So he was def wrong with her. But I wouldn't have brought up her baby daddy problem especially if y'all were trying to get on good terms. That's obviously good start issues. And I think it's wrong to say she can never meet your daughter. That's his sister whether or not you like that. BUT that doesn't mean she has to see her often limit Bc you don't want her to act like that I get it. Bc I have problems with my mom. And I limit how much he sees her for that same reason. But if my husband said that he can't see my mom ever we would have problems Bc no do I like her all the time do I want him around her like that. Hell no but at the end of the day it's his grandma and my mother. But he sure as hell needs to set boundaries with his sister and stop tell her y'all shit. And when he acts like that to you he needs to shut that shit down immediately!! I have to do the same with my mom. It's hard I know.
14.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
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