Kaaernitha Griffin
United States, Tennessee, Kodak


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Ladies I have a question . I've been having unprotected sex with my boyfriend , and he cums inside of me everytime . (This started a few days ago ) , but today I got my period a day early . Could I still be pregnant ?
princess_klg96 @twistedrenots 😔 Maybe it's just not in the cards for me . I first got pregnant at
princess_klg96 @bolenchy actually it's far from normal , but here lately I've been able to tell on the
massmomma16 If he just started a few days ago then no. You may have just ovulated a day
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Should I Cancel My Baby Shower? Frustrations with Guests
I honestly don't even want to have a baby shower anymore ... People are pissing me off . The people that said there going to come are now saying they can't , and the people I sent an evite to through Facebook are just looking at it and not responding. I'd rather someone tell me if they don't want to come , that they don't want to . I messaged a lady and asked her if she was coming and she claims she didn't see any invite through Facebook even though Facebook says "seen" by her name . She straight lied to me :(
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raisinghazel @princess_klg96, I think having a meet the baby would be better.thats what I'm thinking of doing. people
princess_klg96 @jujukiss, If people that claim to care about her won't even come to a party to celebrate
raisinghazel @princess_klg96, yeah I understand cause then you could just say well eff you lol. but it's different
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I'm feeling a little bit discouraged... I'm 23 weeks today and you still can't tell I'm pregnant 😞
caisner Is this your first ? with my first I was a week shy of turning 7 months
jozell01 your one of the lucky ones . I looked 6 months, when I was only 3 .
lala86 I had the same problem. I did not get a bump until a few weeks before I
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