Kira Spanswick
United Kingdom, Andover
Pregnant with first baby..having baby girl!🙊 So excited, me and her daddy are completely over the moon!


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I don't suppose anyone had awful loose bowels before going into labour?
winterbaby95 @kiralouise2404 It is just your body clearing out :) Yeah it happen weeks before labour...leading up to
kiralouise2404 So within the next few weeks I'll probably be in labour?xx @winterbaby95
felicjuh I had it before mine. started about 48 hours before. after that I also started to vomit.
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I have a bruise like sore feeling at the top of my bump on my right side, anyone else have this? if so what is it? its killing me x
sp28346 pain on right rib is a symptom of preeclampsia, google it and maybe go get checked Like when you've exercised, the muscle pain the next day ? If so I had this ...
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Got growth scan on 31st, because of my plug coming away and bump stopping growing, and leeking, and feet swelling.

is it something to be worried about? I'm 33weeks pregnant, would my baby be okay if they had to deliver her early?
jod1303 if it was something to worry about surely it would have been a sooner date hun. my
sp28346 my sister in law had her baby 9 weeks early, healthiest 15 yr old you've ever seen
babyno2-suzie sorry about long reply @kiralouise2404 I went into labour early and my waters were leaking for 2
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Does anyone else have swollen ankles?

I know I've been told to watch them, but why do they swell? what causes it? - Probably a silly question x
charliebrown89 haha, its a build up of fluid under your skin. @winterbaby95 is right, by saying its caused
beccastirlingx @kiralouise2404, agree with the ladies. I wouldn't worry too much. I was swelling as early as 28
kiralouise2404 Oh right okay! Thank you ladies!☺xx
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8 Weeks left!!
Just want my princess here, mummy and daddy really want to meet you!
mummyraven2016 I have 10 weeks left and know how u feel x
mummyraven2016 me and my partner want our little Prince to hurry up lol still always to go for
iammommy1 I have 4 weeks 3 days left till my little girl is here x
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Anyone else loosing there plug at 31weeks? I've started loosing mine, is it normal? should I be worried?
charliefreddiesmumma861 Aslong as it's clear an there's no blood etc @kiralouise2404 xx
kiralouise2404 Thank god for that, its my first so I wasn't sure, this doesn't mean she's going to
charliefreddiesmumma861 Lol bless you xxx @kiralouise2404 I never lost my plug with my first
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