Kira Spanswick
Kira Spanswick
I'm always thinking the worst😂😂

My midwife told me last time that my bumps stopped growing - she didn't seem to worried which was fine.

I told her I had been loosing my plug since 32weeks- she said that's not normal, I shouldn't be loosing it that early.

I also swear, I'm leaking! even after I go toliet I can feel some liquid coming out, and my interest is constantly wet!!! - is that normal?

just worried because bump has stopped growing, leaking and loosing plug? - midwife said I could possibly have my little girl early? I've been under unbelievable a!punt of stress throughout my whole pregnancy, and currently moving into a homeless shelter as of Monday, can stress trigger all this? or early labour?

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Yeah I know about the plug, just because all this is going on I didn't know it is was all linked or anything, I worrry about everything if I'm honest!! I might give my midwife a ring tomorrow! stress has been awful throughout my whole pregnancy - not by choice!xx @winterbaby95
19.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
Hun, your plug can regenerate so it isn't an issue :) Just as long as there's no blood etc. You are fine.. If your bump has stopped growing..she should be sending you for a scan to check bubba is growing fine. Try and reduce your stress hun as it isn't good for you or bubba xx
19.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
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