United States, Arkansas, North Little Rock
- 21 years old 👄🍷🍸🍹 - Married 👰🏾💍👑 - First Time Mommy/ Due August 14, 2016 👶🏾💕👑


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Babygirl made 3 weeks Sunday 😍❤️
mommytomckenzie My baby has the same paci and won't take any other one. Not even if it's the
tford325 Omg that's how she is, if it's not this one, she doesn't want it @mommytomckenzie
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Ladies what are your thoughts on birth control and which type of birth control is best?
korahleah_11 pill is the best for me.
tford325 I think that's what I'm going to try @korahleah_11
korahleah_11 used it twice and will be using it again after this baby!
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My baby has her 1st appointment with her Pediatrician in the morning and I was wondering what do I need to bring to her appointment?
tford325 Okay because I don't have a social security card or Medicaid card for her yet because I
korahleah_11 yeah. it takes a while. i didnt my sons.medicaid card till he was 2 months old and
korahleah_11 they have it all in the computer. but youll probably have to fill out new patient forms.
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Breastfeeding or formula feeding? What are your thoughts and why?
korahleah_11 i formula fed because 1. i couldnt medically bf. 2. i had no desire. 3. it grosses
nurseriri @tford325, team breastfeeding. 8 months ebf. First and foremost a fed baby is what's important. Statistically breastmilk
whitneykemm It's my first, so I have zero experience, but I've decided to breastfeed for the following reasons:
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I had my baby 6 days ago, is it too late for me to consider breastfeeding?
tford325 @novasmother, I'm going to give it a try
mommytomckenzie It's never too late! :) breast milk is more healthier than formula. :) (no hate on the
tford325 That's so true, that why I honestly want to give it a try @mommytomckenzie
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My baby drinks Similac stage 1 advance formula, but I've noticed that she starts to cry when pooping. What does that mean?
tford325 Okay thank you.... What should I do about it? @mommapam
queen_of4 I would call her pediatrician and tell her what's going on so she can suggest what to
del_1515100140_jessicarose0602 you can bicycle her legs, depending on age you can dilute prune juice and feed it to
Читать все 4 комментария
Have anyone ever heard of Vocal
Cord Dysfunction?
tford325 I just found out my newborn baby does @saracook
saracook hmm I was diagnosed at 16 mostly girls get it and is due to either talking to
phinnybinz @saracook, It can absolutely happen in infants. @tford325 That's got to be scary! Has your doctor mentioned
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Is it okay to hair AC Unit on with a newborn? If so, what should I set the temp on?
kmharr3 I kept my daughters room at 70°s
michelle2220 Dr always told me if I'm cold baby is cold and if I'm hot baby is hot.
showersoverflowers We keep ours at 75. Some days I turn it off all together.
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Is it normal for a newborn baby to wheeze?
tford325 @showersoverflowers, yes that's what it look like
showersoverflowers You should bring him into the er. especially if he's having retractions and fast breath rate.
tford325 I called the ER and they told me to pump her nose with saline drops and now
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