Demi-Leigh Bradley
United Kingdom, Birmingham
👩🏽 hi everyone, Proud mummy to my beautiful little girl... Ivy-Beau 🌸; Born 30th March • 6lb 14oz • 12.47pm


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Had my sweep today at 38 weeks, 2cm dilated, cervix is soft. Due for another in a weeks time.

Had a few niggles. Anyone had a successful sweep? If so how long was it before your contractions started ?
sara87 I had one at 38 weeks with my first pregnancy it all worked after the 2nd one
beveridge.s I had lots of niggly feelings with my first sweep but I went back for the next
jocharlene I was the same and I had sweep last Thursday. And I'm still waiting. And I'm 40weeks
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I used this Mum group back when I was pregnant up until my daughter (Ivy-Beau) was about 3 months old 💝 she's now 1 on Thursday and I'm not mentally prepared. I'm mega broody & really want another baby! Is this broodiness normal? 😩
demi_leigh I want another so bad, it actually upsets me that he isn't on the same wave length
isabellaboo @demi_leigh, I've just started trying for my second I couldn't hold it in any more I wanted
pinkbluejade My youngest is coming up one on the 18yh April and I'm mega broody for a 3rd
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When can I do exercise after pregnancy ? I'm 5 weeks pp, and stopped bleeding
baby316 I'm 4 weeks PP this week and think I might start exercising this week. @cayleighnatasha what exercises
cayleighnatasha I have walked loads but I do the charlotte Crosby 3 minute belly blitz dvd 4 times
baby316 Thanks @cayleighnatasha that's good to know xx
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