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FTM here!
So my son is 3 weeks old and extremely fussy for the past few days and wanting to chew on things. My mother in law says he acts like he's teething but I think it's too early. Anybody have similar experience?
mandaskye Holy cow! @chica1320 how can I tell for sure that's what it is? And how can I
zayas_mama his gums start to swell a little and they can get fussy ,buy a teething ring if
zayas_mama also they sell baby orale gel but I would check with his Dr 1st because your little
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Apparently I'm supposed to have the baby asleep when my husband gets home from work?
He keeps getting mad at our son for getting up at night and I keep explaining to him, the baby is a newborn. Not even 3 weeks old yet. Get over it dude!
missing82user Tell him to suck it up, that's not how it works
simonelevien Explain to him that their entire schedule is different, there on a 4-6 hour cycle…they eat, sleep
shewolf2015 what health issues? @simonelevien my daughter slept all the way through the night since day one.
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What's the best way to get my newborn on a somewhat regular sleep schedule?
mandaskye @theinkedmommy, right? Lol @whitneym thank you, I'm definitely going to try this and hopefully it'll work :)
whitneym @mandaskye, you're welcome! Good luck lol
tahtahme the only thing I did was make it super dark at night and no talking then just
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