If I decide to bring my best friend around MY baby, you get mad and tell me he shouldn't be around too many strangers right now but yet you've decided your boss, who you've mentioned is a drunk on a number of occasions and is a complete stranger to me and my husband, is going to come over to the house to see the baby. Not mention that you haven't asked me or my husband and the only reason I know about it is because I overheard y'all discussing it.

You are the grandmother not the mother. Please stop.

Лучший комментарий


I brought my son to a close family members wedding at 5 days old and to a couple events after that he did just fine people kept telling me I'm crazy but it was what I had to do... Also we stayed by my parents after he was born I have 10 siblings exposure isn't bad unless the people are sick then they should stay away!
06.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
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