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so frustrated I feel like my baby hates me :( 10 months in the womb and it's like he can't stand me.. I mean sometimes he likes me but everyone else can calm him down easier than me.. this first time mom thing is rough..
jaxsonsmomma @paige1212, i have no dpubt u love him. im a ftm to and was soooo frustrated at
paige1212 @jaxsonsmomma, that gives me hope :) maybe I'm just a normal mom then lol I feel like
jaxsonsmomma it is normal to get frustrated. best thing to do is walk away for a couple minutes.
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well, turns out I'm a paranoid mom... I'm afraid to sleep because I don't want him to quit breathing or anything happen to him.. I will never sleep again... I've never loved someone more than I do my son ♡♡
paige1212 @mom13, yep kind of, but he doesn't hardly go near him babies freak him out
mom13 well let him know you need a nap even if its an hr nap and babys sleeping
cocored55 so how's it going Ms @paige1212 ? how's the little guy?
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anyone else who has had a c section had their baby in Nicu for fluid left in lungs and fast breathing? what all did you go through and how long was babies recovery for you?? just a stressed and scares mommy here.. my so hasn't been here since my c section, thank God I have my mom here. ♡
karennn I had an emergency C section because my daughter came 3 months early and she breached. She
paige1212 @karennn, I'm sorry you went thru that :( did she have fluid in her lungs as well?
karennn It's hard but the nurses at the NICU and meeting other parents going through the same thing
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I'm about to smother my mom with a pillow if she doesn't quit snoring. Dear fucking fuck. excuse the f bombs but I cannot handle it. I get no sleep. I'm about to blow a gasket.
paige1212 @mommastone, bahaha I'm so glad someone understands!!
mommastone I laugh at myself daily with the fucks I say. Literally couldn't say it in high school
paige1212 @mommastone, same here!!! I'm a dang basket case it seems like nowadays! I wake up every hour
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