United States, California


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who else is guilty of taking their baby in the bathroom with them? these owls keep her entertained lol
gabrielsmommy2015 I put him in his bouncy seat and put him on the bathroom floor when I shower
missing108user I don't bring him with me he just busts in on me lol
jenii mines too little to do that YET lol @aek91
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TMI: I had sex today and just my freakin luck the condom broke😳 my daughter is only 2 months old sooo I'm reallly praying and hoping I don't get pregnant. I just started my birth control too so fingers crossed, if not idk what I'm gonna do.
adrien.ayliena @jenii, don't feel bad my hubby juice went in me 3 times this whole week I'm freakin
adrien.ayliena @jenii, abortions or that pill is the worst I can't ever go thru that
jenii I've taken the morning after pill before after I had my son 4 yrs ago, I didn't
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Does anyone have or had kids with tongue and lip ties? I have a question maybe you guys can help :) I think my daughter may be lip tied we have been having a little bit of a hard time latching. Does this look like a lip tie or am I overreacting lol
thehowtohippie Most babies have a slight reflux till they're 4-6 months b
thehowtohippie If you're truly concerned find a lactation consultant and make an appointment to have her checked and
jenii thanks I found someone in my area and making an appt :) @californiahaley
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I think my baby might have reflux, do any of you ladies have any experience with this?
jenii Really :( she's breastfed @lp1988727
jenii my daughter throws up after every feeding she seems to always be hungry like she can't keep
jenii and she had a problem with gaining weight a few days after birth @mommy2asuperman
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