Well my daughter is 2 months old but I never posted my labor story lol so here goes. I had been having period cramps on my belly and back for a week. I would wake up with cramps expecting to see blood that's how bad they were. On June 23rd I was walking a lot to try and speed up labor I was going to be induced and I wanted to avoid induction. Well needless to say, it worked lol the cramps were getting really bad. On June 24th I had my last ob appt that morning at 10am. Well I woke up at 9 am to get ready, as I was walking to the bathroom I felt water dripping down my leg. I thought I peed myself, until I sneezed and couldn't hold the liquid in and it was coming out from another entrance. That's how I knew my water broke. I told my mom and she was trying to rush me but I needed to shower and get ready. I wasn't getting contractions too bad. I arrived at the hospital at 10:30am and things were going pretty slow. I kept waiting for the contractions to get stronger I was dilated at a 2 when I got there. By 6pm I was only at a 6 and contractions still weren't getting strong. My nurse asked me if i was planning on getting the epidural and I really wanted to avoid it if I could. I had an epidural with my first, and I wanted to try natural labor. Well around 10pm my doctor came in to check me since I wasn't making any progress, turned out my water was broken but not fully so he broke the rest of my bag. They put me on pitocin to help my contractions increase. Oh boy did they, I went from a 6 around 10pm to 10 by 12am my contractions were unbearable I really didn't think I was going to be able to push with out pain meds. Well by 1:20 I was ready to push. Pushed 3 times and by 1:26 am on June 25th my beautiful daughter was born. Compared to my first born, this labor went by so fast I pushed for 2 hours with my son, so this time was a piece of cake lol.