United States, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
Pregnant with third girl. I’ll get my son next time around lol.😅


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Посоветуйте, пожалуйста, крем для младенца с гиперчувствительной кожей - Dove не подходит
Can I get recommendations for baby so that works for supersensitive skin. My baseline is dove sensitive hypoallergenic soap does not work for her. Thanks
artsynelly94 Dr.bronners unscented , it’s a light blue color one . My son has eczema & very sensitive
jaixi Thanks you guys
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Где найти вкусный General Tso с хрустящей корочкой? Идеальный ужин!
I just want some good general Tso chicken that’s slightly crunchy and savory with jasmine rice and apple pie or a coke and go to sleep.

That’s it.

I’m craving comfort…
Скучаю по объятиям с мужем: хочется больше ласки, кроме детей
Really miss physical touch with husband … I would like to cuddle with more then my babies but it has to be enough for now I guess.
momgroupreject Where is he?
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Anyhow use this brand before ?
ekko I’ve used this brand for something different (constipation support) for my youngest. I haven’t tried this particular
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Recommend diapers for sensitive skin and budget?
Sigh . Any inexpensive diaper recommendations?

Honest and hello bello leaks for me.

I love all good but I don’t have a solution to the skin bruising.

I gonna have two kids in diapers. I need something that isn’t pricey and good for sensitive skin.
mommakaylax3 Also if you have Amazon and do a month subscription I do pampers and you get a
wellabean0413 Luvs or Sams club diapers
raisinglittlegamers Cloth diapers are good for sensitive skin. Though i don't think they'll fit your 2.5 year old.
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Do you feel heart pounding and low vibrations?
Anyone have this “low vibration”sensation that comes over your body and you feel your heart pounding hard but somewhat fast?

I get this sensation sometimes and I’m super exhausted when it happens. I can be sittting still and it happens . Anyone experience this?
jaixi @mujerstillregal, Got heart tested kidney and thyroid. Nothing abnormal.
mommakaylax3 Mine does the same and I found out I’m super anemic and having to take medication. I
wellabean0413 I’m anemic and this happens to me too. Also bad anxiety makes it worse.
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Just want to scream…
dr.grey So scream. ♥️
countrypeaches420 Let it out. I'm right there with you.
mrsrose If you need to talk vent or cry my messenger is always. Scream collect your thoughts and
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