
Учитель звонит с работы: что делать, если учитель звонит по работе и требует объяснений?

My sons new stand in science teacher called my job asking for me. My manager called me to let me know but maybe for safety reasons the teacher gave 0 info on what school and which student. This lady scared me I was confused as to who is asking for me not knowing which school to start with. But I get a call from the teacher in question and she called was to ask me why my son isn’t taking notes in class 🙄. I’m like did you ask him? Or spoke with his iep case manager and she said I’m new I don’t know the kids very well 😒. Come to find out the reason he didn’t take notes was because she was giving oral notes and my son has auditory processing disorder and he said she spoke to fast and couldn’t keep up and when she called him out he got emotional. Lady learn about your students 🤦🏻‍♀️. Now looks like we have to have a new IEP meeting.

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