
Maeva не набирает вес: что делать, если нужна трубка для кормления?

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Maeva hasn’t gained any weight in a month or so.
She’s been at the same 12lbs4.5 oz for about a month now. Today she’s at 12lbs7oz but still not gaining enough and our nutritionist thinks she’s going to be needing a feeding tube in the future and not rule it out. It’s a definitely if she can’t get her weight up within the next month..
April we go for her MRI, neurodevelopment dr, eye specialist, our feeding specialist & now we’re gonna get sent to somebody for a consultation for a feeding tube.. 😭😭😭😭 any tips to help with my milk supply besides water. I drink about 4-5 bottles a day. More? I retain a lot so I try to manage it. Anything tips help!! I’m stressing..

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I went through the same thing with my daughter. My lactation consultant even helped me to get her to latch better but she still wasn’t gained weight. So they told me to pump and give her the milk in a bottle but that didn’t help either. So I started giving her formula and she started gaining weight. I was still giving her breast milk too
05.03.2024 Нравится Ответить
I know I got told briefly about adding I can’t remember if she said a teaspoon or tablespoon but to add formula to my milk. It’s just the way she gets it down isn’t the best. She’s super congested and gargling sounding all the time. We’re in the process of being diagnosed with microcephaly along with her having developmental issues… she sits with her mouth open a lot of the time due to her brain not telling her to close it. She’s been better on this one bottle we’ve found but still she’s only gained 3oz with it. I definitely want to see if adding formula will help it’s just the way she intakes things besides my breast is super difficult!
05.03.2024 Нравится Ответить
05.03.2024 Нравится Ответить
I don’t have any supply advice but I would try supplementing with formula, if that’s an option for her. I know it’s not first choice but it’d help make sure she’s getting enough to thrive.
05.03.2024 Нравится Ответить
I would if she’d take the bottle. We’ve found this ones she’s OKAY with but won’t drink and when she does there other things like the way she breaths after and she can’t catch her breath. She’s tongue tied and she’s not able to get it untied due to her brain not helping her know how to close her mouth(her mouth is always open drooling all over) I have a bunch of milked pumped and stored away I’ve been trying to add in an extra bottle a day to help with weight and she’s only gone up 3oz in 2 weeks. She does great on the boob but she struggles with the bottle… if any of that even makes sense.
05.03.2024 Нравится Ответить
@kitkat6429, makes complete sense!! That makes it a little harder. I hope you find something that helps, momma. I’m sorry I don’t have any advice. 🩵
05.03.2024 Нравится Ответить
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