I haven’t personally, but I know a friend of mine did this after YEARS & YEARS of trying everything else under the sun available to help w no luck, & she said it was a miracle for her bc she’s been great. She’s gone thru some awful dark painful times recently & even still, the depression hasn’t came back full force like you’d expect in this time. So I’d say based off what she says, it wouldn’t be a bad thing to try if you’ve tried a lot of other things w no luck. Best of luck to you & I hope it works or you soon find something that does work for you 🫶🏽
@renaissancey, yes that can absolutely be a part of it. That was a huge one for her actually.. she legit STRUGGLED to be awake & stay outta bed. Any chance she had she was taking a nap. As far as the meds, that’s a tough one forsure. I wouldn’t hesitate to repeatedly call your doctor reporting how you feel. I’d let them know you genuinely can’t even tell a difference & don’t feel like that’s helping or working for you. && thank you ❤️