I’m so overwhelmed. I got two teeth extracted like 3 weeks ago and idk wtf is wrong with me. Maybe a jaw infection? I’m constantly taking Motrin, kratom, and anything else I think might help lol
It doesn’t help that I’m sleep deprived. Decided to move in with my mom bc my husband found a job where she’s at. And my mom acts like a totally different person. Like it’s legit scary. She never went back to see if her small tumors were still in her lungs. Her hair has got way shorter and she’s just acting crazy. She told me I owed her (forgot what she said after that bc I was shocked) and that I should trade her my adderall with some other non stimulant meds that she said “work really good” well if they work good then why are u trying to get me to give them to you? Pretty sure she’s addicted to it.
I have been looking for hotel deals, vouchers , anything at this point!
I legit have no idea how the fuck I managed to get myself in such a fucked up position 🤣
Then on top of that, my blood sugar was 58!!
I tried getting it up but idk if it worked or not bc she’s like oh u will be fine when I asked her to use her sugar thing. Like wtf.
I have mouth ulcers, jaw pain, off and on low grade fevers. My head is feeling kinda weird. I have went to the er so many times bc I have like a week wait for a dentist appt. They just say I’m ok and send me home pretty much. It’s to the point to where, if it’s an actual emergency I rather just sit here. Basically have to be dying just to get some help in this state!
Sorry I wrote a book, I don’t blame u if u didn’t read it lmao
Pic bc I actually had a good hair day a couple days ago lmao
True but I felt something pop like two days ago bc I moved my mouth a certain way and ever since then it hurts and I feel like sharp edges of something are poking through.
@renaissancey, again, call the dentist who extracted your teeth. The ER isn’t going to be able to help with something tooth related, they would just refer you to a dentist unless they feel it’s infected. You seem to have a lot of health issues, you should get checked for a diabetes or an autoimmune disorder.
Weren’t you divorcing your husband since you posted that you were cheating on him?