My husband and I spent the last few days preparing curriculum and schedules to home school the boys starting monday. Im so happy how dedicated my husband is to doing this and really excited about how excited my kiddos are to learn from home. They are so eager to embark on this journey, and i had so many fears for them. This is why we shouldn't project our feelings onto our kids because we never know how they're feeling. My ex made it seem like my oldest was dreading home schooling, and when we went shopping for stuff the other day, he was like, "Mommy, you dont understand how excited I am to home school." My fear was the social aspect, but the day we went shopping, we got stopped by a guy who does sports for home school kids, and they do weekly field trips. Its really inexpensive because he just wants to help the students have fun and make friends and also teach them something, so we signed them up. I know this is gonna be new for all of us, but im excited about new journeys and challenges.