What to do if my butt fell off after giving birth?
Guys, I lost my butt. 9 months pp and the weight is slowly coming off but my butt just straight fell off. What can I do here? I have 4 kids and one ebf and needs so the gym isn’t likely. 😅
Working out can do some wonders. Especially activating the glutes. It benefits your body and mind. It does take discipline since it is not something you do for just a short period and it needs to be combined with a healthy diet lifestyle as well. You can get the tools and do them at home since gym is not an options. Youtube have many useful videos from professionals on how to get started.
@srkr1191, yep. So many of us do. A weak pelvic floor could also be the cause. Everyone thinks things like Keagle‘s will help, but an actuality you would need to do more pelvic floor training (like a jade egg.)
It can get annoying when everybody tells you to do squats, do some sit ups… When in reality nothing can fix DR like a tummy tuck. 😭😩
Yes, exercise can help, but if you truly have DR or a weak pelvic floor, squats won’t help much.
@srkr1191, yes you need an extra 500 calories a day to maintain BF. BF also burns 500 calories so any weight loss or hard working out will cause your supply to dip. I would just try some squats and extra protein for now then go harder when LO weans.