How do you handle boundary issues with your mother? She watches my son during work days but she has been crossing boundaries little by little. And when I bring up the concern I’m “making a big deal of a little thing” or “that’s not how I raised you”. I know I was gas lighted but now I have to find a baby sitter Since she “won’t watch him anymore because I’m stripping her rights as a grand mother”. I’m just so tired of fighting. And I feel so bad because SMG baby loves days with grandma. She’s almost 2 but now I’m feeling sad and trapped here….
If it makes a deal, my other is also Mexican and just bad the traditional mind set!

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You tell her while you understand she has her own definition of what a grandmother means to her but as far as you’re concerned, being a grandmother doesn’t equate being his mother , so what you say..goes. And while you understand she’s traditionally stuck in her ways, you’re in your every right to draw boundaries as a mother because you’re exactly that, HIS mother. Lastly, being a grandmother isn’t a right, it’s a privilege. Those can be revoked. Why? Because you’re the mom and you say So.
You are no longer a child, so she has no right to treat you like one when you hold her accountable for her actions.
16.08.2021 Нравится Ответить
That’s what I tried to tell her. To understand that I’m his mother and she’s grandmother. I know they never had a boy and my father has a bad relationship with his own son. So I constantly feel like they try to take my own son away. My mother had before called herself “mom” in front of him. Then she goes “oops I forgot I’m not his mom haha I just watch him so long he’s like my son.”
16.08.2021 Нравится Ответить
@yurikomashimaru, oh girl no! Their grandparents know to respect what I say because if not then I won’t go over and they won’t see the kids. It sounds harsh but that is my kids and what I say goes. They had a chance to raise their own kids already now I’m raising mine how I want. And I don’t want some traditions or behaviors to be passed down to my kids. Some things have passed down from generation to generation but it stops at my family because my kids won’t act like certain family members. If they don’t agree then sorry but you won’t see my kids. And their grandmas are great grandparents I’m not saying they aren’t but they just have to respect what we say as parents. I’m sorry you’re dealing with that! Don’t ever feel bad for standing up for yourself or for your kids. Because as parents we are their voice to!
16.08.2021 Нравится Ответить
Sometimes I have this problem. Our family is mexican to and have traditional things they want to do it their own way but we are in different times and not old school like how they are used to. And you’re the mother so everyone should respect what you say when it comes to YOUR child. My kids love their grandma to but I always let my mom know if I don’t want my child doing something and they respect it, luckily. They might get upset but at the end of the day that is your baby and everyone should respect what you say as a parent.
16.08.2021 Нравится Ответить
We tried talking about that. And how I was trying to raise my son different. That equaled to her crying because I just told her she was a bad mother and her way of raising wasn’t right. (Though I do not agree with her parenting style, I wasn’t trying to offend her there). I just hate the constant fighting over her right as a grandparent and how she is “just a babysitter”.
Thanks for not making me feel crazy. Because I felt so bad for standing up for what I thought was right!
16.08.2021 Нравится Ответить
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