Hey ladys, i jusy went to see my midwife. She asked me if the lady at the scan told me about my placentia, i said no i adked her she said everythjgn was good.
But my midwife said she is confused as on the paper report it says placentia is high but one system is says its law. What can happen if my lacentia is law i am so panicking now. She booked me for 34 weeks scan to see where it is. Is it dangerous for the baby?

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Girls thank you so much for your messages, I really appreciate it ❤
26.05.2021 Нравится Ответить
I got told at my 20w scan that the placenta was low and underneath the baby but she said as long as it isn’t blocking “the exit” then it’ll be fine x
26.05.2021 Нравится Ответить
@aleksandravolkova1693, no problem! I’m glad you feel better, I’d hold off on a private scan for now and just see how you get on, if they were concerned as such they’d of got you a sooner scan but it’s probably more common than you think x
26.05.2021 Нравится Ответить
@jessie23xx I was just scared it will harm my baby more the if I go into c section o don't mid that at all as long as it doesn't do any harm to baby x
26.05.2021 Нравится Ответить
So quick update after whole day doing research hahaha i found out that it classified low if its less the 20mm my one is 24.4 mm away from the internal os, which means it have moved away and classified as high as it mention. Midwife told me she wasn't sure if its low or high so sue had to ask another one and what I think is that the midwife wasn't that sure too and they just booked me to make sure. So now I am more calmer 🤦‍♀️😁😁😁 thanks God. I destroyed my head yesterday 😁😁😁 x
27.05.2021 Нравится Ответить
Most placentas move upwards during pregnancy so I'm sure itll be fine, it's just if it is low and blocks some of/all of your cervix you'll probably end up having to have a c section. xx
26.05.2021 Нравится Ответить
Thank you, I will probably book a private scan to be 100% sure as one says its high and the other one says its low. 🤷‍♀️ made me coming home crying now x
26.05.2021 Нравится Ответить
@aleksandravolkova1693 it's not anything to worry about and wont effect baby. A lot of placentas can be low it doesnt mean its covering your cervix. They will check it later on to see where its moved to. I wouldn't recommend a private scan for that as if its low you could spend weeks worrying and then overtime it moves anyway. You're still quite early in your pregnancy. Also if you have concerns or dont understand what things mean you should make your midwife explain more rather than letting her worry you xx
26.05.2021 Нравится Ответить
@kelsey234 hey quick updated, my palebta did move its more then 20 mm away from internal os, of its less then 20 mm then its low if its more then its high as its mentioned on my notes. My midwife told me she wasn't sure about it so I think this is why she booked me in, as she had go and ask another midwife if its low or high ant d that midwife told her its low. Anyways now I am more relaxed, after doing my head in all day yesterday 🤦‍♀️. It will be nice to see my little girl again anyways 💗 But thank you so much for your quick responses 😘
27.05.2021 Нравится Ответить
With both of mine it was low and at the front but not low enough to block the exit and that it would move during labour. Fingers crossed yours will be the same and you can give birth without needing a c section. Xx
26.05.2021 Нравится Ответить
And she said she doesn't understand if it's low or high so if you do understand then I should be seen sooner the 34 weeks. I will book private scan
26.05.2021 Нравится Ответить
@aleksandravolkova1693 it doesnt affect the baby it's just if its low and covers your cervix you'll have a c section. I wouldnt panic so much they will discuss your options at the 34 week scan but most placentas will move up by then xx
26.05.2021 Нравится Ответить
@kelsey234 thank younx
26.05.2021 Нравится Ответить
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