I need to rant....
My boyfriend's mom called last minute and can't watch the baby. So I have now had to call out 3 times for child care. While the he has called out 0 times. He doesn't get points or occurrences. He gets nothing. But his job is "more important " (he is a manager at a local restaurant)
I told him that I will just quit and he doesn't have to worry about calling out. Because if he can't learn to call out for child care and be a parent, I need to not work. But he thinks that I need a part time job. Not a full time job. WHO IS GOING TO PAY THE BILLS THEN? I can't afford bills and groceries and gas and baby stuff on part time. I don't know why he thinks that I barely have to pay anything. He acts like my bills are like $20 in total. I wish! I was so mad. I argued with him for like 20 minutes about who was going to call in today.
I tried to get him to call the other manager just to see if she could switch with him and him work tonight. But apparently that's not okay to even ask the other manager. They can't cook and he has to cook. (I have never heard of a manager that can't work every position that they manage. Wtf)
He was like... I am sure they are okay. When someone calls out I am understanding about it and it's fine. Shure you are. K. Well this isn't you.... So unless you want to pay me what they pay me and then be understanding when I have to call out. I don't care.
If it is going to be like this. I don't know how many jobs I will go through. Because I can't afford a child care center. And she doesn't start school until she is like 5. And if he won't call out because he is more important... I am going to keep getting fired for occurrences or having to leave before I get fired. This is 3 times in 10 months. And then it'll be even harder to get hired at another place because they'll see me having to call out and it looks bad on me.
I am steaming. I'm sorry for the rant.