I am a young stay at home mom of two beautifully different children 😍. My son Charlie is 4 years of age and is in his first year of pre-school which I can't believe ! My daughter is 2 months old and growing every day 😍😇. I was a teen parent and have an interesting past and grew up a bit differently from others . My mother was forever in care if special needs. She has done fostering for special needs as well as babies and I have always been here second hand momma so I have seen a lot in my young life and much to offer . I was raised to be kind and patient and forever do my best to help others and always be there if there's any questions ☺️. I would love to be able to have a support group for teen moms as well as young moms or any moms for that matter I'm here for you if you have any questions or need a friend along your journey 😇 there's not a whole lot that I haven't seen so don't be shy ☺️