My crazy story

So let me tell y'all a little story about how I found out I had a little one growing inside me , I took a pregnancy test Saturday and it came out positive so I went to the hospital , they did a urine test and it was negative , so I was like no that's not possible you know ?! So they did a blood test and ultrasound and the blood test confirmed what I already new , I was pregnant , so then the ultrasound came back and the doctor said it could be a tubal pregnancy (baby is growing on one of my overies) NOT GOOD a baby won't survive there and it could rupture , so of course I was scared , they told me to come back in two days to make sure it was a tubal pregnancy so I went back Monday 11/16 and they repeated the test and sadly it was a tubal pregnancy so try gave me two options , one was a shot to stop the fetus from growing no matter where it was at , the second one was surgery to look into my ovaries and see what's up and if they found the baby on one of my overies or on the tube then they were gunna remove it so of course I choose surgery I was still hopeful that everything was gunna be fine , the doctor said they're was a 10% chance of everything being fine since the ultrasound had already said it was a tubal pregnancy the shot was to risky , so I was there since 8 am and my surgery was scheduled at 4 pm I didn't go into surgery till like 7 , so I get prepped for surgery with my family by my side , prayed my butt off , had to keep my faith in this hard time so I go into surgery and when I get out of surgery , I hear the nurses talking I was still half asleep from the anesthesia saying they didn't find anything on my overies or my tubes ! My baby was in my uterus where it was suppose to be!!! I couldn't believe it ! GOD IS SO GOOD !

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