So here's a little about me.. I have a beautiful amazing 7 soon to be 8 yr old diva named Nevaeh.. She is my blessing and pride and joy.. my actual pregnancy with her was a breeze.. it was the relationship that was the struggle.. needless to say I left and 3yrs later I met my man..he has been there for us since we met.. instantly fell in love and took care of my daughter.. and to her forever that is her papi.. well about a yr after we met we tried to have a baby. but with no luck.. in 2012 I became prego but sadly god had needed my angel baby @ 12 weeks.. Now it's 2015 and God has blessed me again to give me the gift of life.. I'm already on love with my poppy seed. can't wait to experience I can with this one since I was emotionally/financially unable to with my daughter.. she is already excited and ready to be a big sister.:)