I’m ready (I think) to get this girl out my bed and in her own bed...HOW???
3.4 года

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We started with a portable cot (not sure what you call them over there)for a few weeks next to our bed. We were going to put that in his room, then change him to his bed. After he got used to sleeping alone though, we didn't need to put it in his room, he went straight into his own bed, no problems. Then recently we bought him a toddler bed, which made it exciting for him all over again because it was new.
I honestly thought we'd never get him out of ours.

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We started with a portable cot (not sure what you call them over there)for a few weeks next to our bed. We were going to put that in his room, then change him to his bed. After he got used to sleeping alone though, we didn't need to put it in his room, he went straight into his own bed, no problems. Then recently we bought him a toddler bed, which made it exciting for him all over again because it was new.
I honestly thought we'd never get him out of ours.

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