Kiri Torkoniak
Okay ladies, so my son is autistic and is currently being assessed for where on the spectrum he places. I have been having a really hard time lately as all of his assessments have been difficult to do with it being over the phone and me speaking with so many different health professionals. They are now testing him for possible tourette's and epilepsy and it is killing me as I feel like since he has been a baby he can't seem to catch a break. I am not making this post for sympathy or attention I genuinely have no one I can talk to and I am so scared it is unreal. I feel the one thing you are meant to do as a mother is keep your children safe and it honestly feels like I am failing. I just want my baby to be okay. He is my hero. My everything and I just want to protect him. Sorry for bumming you all out but needed to get it off my chest.
3.5 года

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Aww don't be so harsh on yourself your doing a great job and these no one better to do the job of being his mummy than you. it is scary because its the unknown but he has you and his dad by his side and one day when little miss is older she will look out for him too. Keep your chin up your strong. Your boy will be proud of you. 💙 I'm always a message away. Xxx

3.5 года Нравится Ответить



Aww don't be so harsh on yourself your doing a great job and these no one better to do the job of being his mummy than you. it is scary because its the unknown but he has you and his dad by his side and one day when little miss is older she will look out for him too. Keep your chin up your strong. Your boy will be proud of you. 💙 I'm always a message away. Xxx

3.5 года Нравится Ответить

Hey I'm always here if you ever need an chat I no we don't live close anymore but I'm always here if you ever need an chat.

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