Amanda B
I know this sounds silly but I’m dilated to nearly a 3 without much pain, I’m scared of getting too big before I notice because I really don’t see my water breaking the way it did with my first so I can’t judge when to head to the hospital 🤦🏼‍♀️
3.5 года

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I was 10 cm dilated before I noticed anything. I felt My tummy blowing up like a balloon and knew instantly I was in labor..things started really progressing on the car ride to the hospital and when I got there and screaming in pain and struggling to get in a hospital gown and rushed to the delivery room, I gave birth as soon as they broke My water. It is kinda scary not to know how dilated you are until you're in too much pain you barely can walk

3.5 года Нравится Ответить



I was 10 cm dilated before I noticed anything. I felt My tummy blowing up like a balloon and knew instantly I was in labor..things started really progressing on the car ride to the hospital and when I got there and screaming in pain and struggling to get in a hospital gown and rushed to the delivery room, I gave birth as soon as they broke My water. It is kinda scary not to know how dilated you are until you're in too much pain you barely can walk

3.5 года Нравится Ответить

It really is
I keep having lightening and I’m just like ehhh plus shooting back pain

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My water never breaks and I never get that far all mine were early and I usually go when I’m crying so I don’t get sent home then immediately get a epidural

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