Meghan Renee
Meghan Renee
How to cope with emotional distress after a miscarriage? It’s not even my mind anymore that’s causing these waves of sadness, it’s literally my body. I feel so shakey and down like I need to cry, this just started happening today. My husband asked me what was wrong when I got home from work and I just started bawling😭 Idk how to even explain how I feel.

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Ohhh hun, I am so sorry you’re going through this, breaks my heart. Life can be so unfair sometimes. I’d reach out to your dr. & or a counseling. Praying for you 🙏🏼💜
18.08.2020 Нравится Ответить
I just wanted to add, that it is hard to put into words the pain it causes. You have to physically deal with the miscarriage, and that is very ugly. You have to emotionally process the pain of losing the life of that child. From the moment you see those double lines, you're in love. You're planning holidays, traditions, wondering how they'll grow over the years. Then it all goes away in an instant. And not everyone understands that. They think it was a little ball of cells and not a baby and you shouldn't be so upset. They don't understand how it feels when your body betrays you so badly when it carried a baby so well before. The fear of ever trying again.

It is a lot to process. I try to talk about it because it took me way too long trying to have a brave face for the world and it really backfired on me. I wish I had talked to a counselor, my doctor, or joined a support group right when it happened. I spent a year severely depressed, anxious and numb and it was terrible for me and my family.
18.08.2020 Нравится Ответить
@oxmegrdxo, thinking of you hun 💜💜
18.08.2020 Нравится Ответить
Talk to your doctor and let them know, I know a lot of people don’t like taking pills but somethings it’s very needed after my miscarriage in end of November beginning of December I cried for months and I was just so lost but with pills and talking to someone that helped me Soo much and I finally stopped taking everything a few weeks ago
18.08.2020 Нравится Ответить
To be honest, you may need to talk to your doctor. After my third mc (we did ivf with a genetically tested embryo- over $22k out of pocket) and when I saw that his heart had stopped beating, part of me died on that ultrasound table and I didn't realize it. It took me over a year of my performance slipping at work, being miserable before I talked to my doctor. I was diagnosed with severe depression and post traumatic stress disorder. I went on Zoloft 50mg and took FMLA from my job and took the time to properly heal. My life is so much better now, but it took me a long time to make peace with it. It's very hurtful and very hard. We had planned to have 4 children. I remember the pain it used to cause when people would ask when we were giving my daughter a sibling. It cut to the core.
17.08.2020 Нравится Ответить
Oh luv, I didn’t know your about your journey. My heart goes out to you! 💜💜 My good friend had unsuccessful IUI and was devastated. I haven’t had a loss like this, but feel a bit of loss for what never happened. So happy to have my one perfect little love, but bittersweet at times. I second the kind advice you gave 👍
18.08.2020 Нравится Ответить
@scruffy.nerf.herder thank you, hon. It's definitely been a journey. I look back on it now, and I can honestly say that we went to the absolute best doctors in the world with the best clinical team at the Cleveland Clinic, and we can let the dream go. I know there isn't any more to be done, I've been scoped and poked with needles and it is just the way it has to be. There's no concrete explanation for why. It just is.

But I can't agree with you more about cherishing my kiddo. I wouldn't do anything differently (start a family sooner, etc) because it would change her. I wouldn't trade my one little squish for 5 others.
18.08.2020 Нравится Ответить
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