💙 Autumn 💙
My son has been grinding his teeth. Idk why. Any suggestions on how to get him to quit. Ive told him over and over not to grind them and he listens when I tell him to stop but 5 minutes later hes doing it again. I dont want him to hurt his teeth but I have no clue how to get him to stop.
3.7 года

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When he grinds I give him water to drink and it stops. There’s not a lot you can do other than use a mouth guard which is uncomfortable.

3.7 года Нравится Ответить



He is probably getting his 2 yr molars and grinding at his age is okay. My little is getting his molars and 2 bottom teeth.

3.7 года Нравится Ответить

I never even thought about it being his molars! He used to do it every once in a while and i wasn't so worried about it then. But he is almost constantly doing it now so i was starting to worry he was going to hurt his enamel and end up with a bunch of cavities. He refuses to let anyone look in his mouth. Brushing his teeth is a HUGE fight. He will do it himself but he never does his back teeth so i have to. I tried taking him to a dentist right before the covid hit and it was pointless cuz he flipped out the whole time and they couldnt look. His insurance is making me go back to a regular dentist to have them recommend a pediatric dentist for him and I havent yet but I need to get on it.

3.7 года Нравится Ответить

@catfish2220 You shouldn't have to take him just call and they can refer you to one of you don't have a preference on where he goes. Sounds like that's what is happening, he should have 8 molars and the second set comes in around 2. Anything cold that he can teethe or offer him an apple, cucumber or smoothie. My mom said she gave me an onion. 😄 idk what color tho!

3.7 года Нравится Ответить

@scidg3 ill call the dentist i took him to and see if they can give one since they have already "seen" him. It probably is his molars though. I gave him an ice pop yesterday and he didnt seem to grind them as much. It seems like if he gets frustrated he does it harder so i wasn't sure if that's how he lets out his frustration. But now hes doing it all the time so it makes sense that it would be his molars. I dont think he would eat an onion though lmao plus they are recalled right now.

3.7 года Нравится Ответить

When he grinds I give him water to drink and it stops. There’s not a lot you can do other than use a mouth guard which is uncomfortable.

3.7 года Нравится Ответить